
$20 a month

I have spent my life creating structures for learning and self-study. This membership offers you just that.

What’s Included (Live + Recorded Access)


Monthly yoga classes designed to help you feel sturdy in your body and mind to meet life and its challenges. These classes are slow and purposeful, all are welcome. Classes are live and members can join taping, all classes are then stored in library for access afterwards.


I am an artist through and through. We will meet and make. Facilitated processes of creation and somatic connection.

Death Cafe

Death Cafes are spaces held to normalize the process and conversation of death. Death can be literal or metaphoric and yet, when we think about the end of something we reflexively get our life and our agency back.

Birth Notes

Short video highlights of a conversation, a fact, or a learning around Birth. Birth can be literal or metaphoric - no matter it invites us into the possibility of what can be born.

Book Club

Featuring Books that exude the teachings of Tantric Philosophy, we read and discuss works that invite us into the experience of living and dying. The books chosen reject strategies of transcendance and feature emergent strategies for saying “Hello to here.”

